Dr. Robert Carter Moffat’s Ammoniaphone: bottled Italian air for vocal health (1885)
'I would advise using the Ammoniaphone about one hour or one hour and-a-half after having partaken of food. Artificial Italian air reacts...
Reimagining Historical Voices
'I would advise using the Ammoniaphone about one hour or one hour and-a-half after having partaken of food. Artificial Italian air reacts...
‘The chief exercise of the chest and vocal organs is “vociferation”, which is singing, reading, or crying [loud shouting], which has the...
‘Our quarrel with excess of tremolo is twofold. When passion is simulated by tremor, it is forgotten that an Englishman, when he is...
'It cannot be too clearly understood at the outset that the voice is generated solely in the larynx. It is necessary to insist on this...
‘Many great lovers of Singing are discouraged from Learning for want of a good Voice; which by experience I know they ought not to be,...
‘Reasons briefly set down by the author, to persuade everyone to learn to sing First, it is a knowledge easily taught, and quickly...
‘Turn into a town Church, for instance, and what does one hear? Fifty charity children squalling their little windpipes to pieces in...
‘First therefore let the whole choir endeavour to control their voices, so that the words may be clearly heard and understood by the...
‘We discoursed upon the subject of Dr. Burney’s travels, of which he was a professed admirer; and mentioned with great approbation that...