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Reimagining Historical Voices

Tim Braithwaite
Robert Gjerdingen on the Role of Solfeggi in Baroque Vocal Pedagogy
‘Although manuscript collections of solfeggi were centerpieces in the training of musicians in the days of Bach and Mozart, today the...

Tim Braithwaite
Andreas Ornithoparcus (1516) on Solmisation:
(Summary) The Rules of Solfaing When solfaing, the singer must be aware of the mode of the piece, since this will tell them what sort of...

Tim Braithwaite
Giovanni Bononcini on reading in all keys and clefs using a six note solmisation system (1678)
*Notes* - The system (c.1500-1800) is based on three overlapping ’hexachords’ of six syllables - do re mi fa sol la. - In order to change...

Tim Braithwaite
A Description of ‘The Honorable Entertainement Gieuen to the Queenes Maiestie’ in 1591
‘In the pinnace were three Virgins, which with their Cornets played Scottish Gigs, made three parts in one. There was also in the saide...

Tim Braithwaite
John Curwen Describes a Rehearsal of the Boys at St. Pauls, London in 1891
‘The Cathedral bell is striking two, and in the passage boys scud to and fro shouting “Practice!" and racing to their places in the...

Tim Braithwaite
Anselm Bayley on Solfege and Registration
'In teaching solfaing let the master carefully instruct the scholar how to open his mouth that the tones may come forth freely without...
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