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Reimagining Historical Voices

Tim Braithwaite
A Story ‘From the Lips of the Maestro’ on Early Nineteenth-Century Ornamentation
‘Among the old musicians it used to be customary to write a mere outline or suggestion of the voice part. Particularly was this the case...

Tim Braithwaite
Hector Berlioz on the Haute-Contre (1843)
‘The old masters of the French school, who never employed the head voice, wrote a part in their operas which they called haute-contre...

Tim Braithwaite
A nineteenth-century description of English choral performance, as recalled by lay clerk J.V. Cox
“Everything was done in the most florid style, viz., grace notes, cadenzas, 'shakes' (single, double, and triple), while time was...

Tim Braithwaite
Jean-Antoine Berard on Larynx Height (1741)
‘Observation teaches us that the Larynx rises in its entirety with the high pitches, and that it descends with the low pitches...

Tim Braithwaite
Brahms' Advice to Sir George Henschel
'Brahms arrived yesterday. I am glad my hoarseness is gradually disappearing, for the thought of singing, at the concert day after ...
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