Tim BraithwaiteA recollection of Giovanni Battista Rubini Singing so Forcefully that he Broke his Clavicle‘Rubini appeared, raised his eyes to heaven, extended his arms, planted himself firmly on his calves, inflated his breast, opened his...
Tim BraithwaiteMichael Praetorius on the Requirements of a Singer and Expected Vocal Ranges‘Firstly, a singer must have a voice by nature, in which three requirements and three flaws are to be noted. The requirements are these:...
Tim BraithwaiteGiovanni Camillo Maffei on Those who ‘Sing the Bass, the Tenor, and any Other Part with Great Ease.’‘Thus I say, that these voices are born from the matter of the tube [throat]; and by tube [throat] I mean all the parts mentioned above,...
Tim BraithwaiteJohn Curwen Describes a Rehearsal of the Boys at St. Pauls, London in 1891‘The Cathedral bell is striking two, and in the passage boys scud to and fro shouting “Practice!" and racing to their places in the...
Tim BraithwaiteLeopold von Sonnleithner Remembering in 1857 Johann Vogl’s Singing and Influence on Franz Schubert‘Without a doubt, [Johann] Michael Vogl stands foremost among those who recognised and promoted Schubert’s genius early on. As far as...
Tim BraithwaiteConrad Von Zabern's Thoughts on Singing High Notes‘Another fault which is more obvious than the others is singing high notes with an unstintingly full and powerful voice...
Tim BraithwaiteBrahms' Advice to Sir George Henschel'Brahms arrived yesterday. I am glad my hoarseness is gradually disappearing, for the thought of singing, at the concert day after ...